Posts — the Ollie World

From Single Foster Mom to CEO: How a Little Boy Named Oliver Inspired a business
From Single Foster Mom to CEO: How a Little Boy Named Oliver Inspired a business
i will never forget that moment and there are no words to even describe what my heart felt when i saw him for the first time. as he was dropped off, i was told Oliver was exposed in-utero to a cocktail of drugs, with meth being the majority. he had been abandoned by his mom and, even though he was just a tiny infant, he had already been through several foster homes who refused to keep him because he was too difficult.  Oliver and i were destined. when Oliver came to me, he was very low functioning. he struggled to eat and sleep, he couldn’t lift his head, and any kind of eye contact was too overwhelming and over-stimulating, which would lead to withdrawing. it...

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"Anti-racism isn’t simply being idle — it is activating and responding to systemic racism. Sadly, many folx who are taking these DEI courses (that’s diversity; equity; inclusion) are the same who don’t understand that this isn’t limited to their own understanding of what that may include. ⁠ If you are an anti-racist you must also consider and acknowledge Asian Americans in your discourse. You must educate, respond, activate yourself and your communities. ⁠ For far too long Asian Americans have been told they are the model minority and they have proximity to whiteness, which is a dangerous excuse to mean that violence against our bodies isn’t considered racist. It excuses those who harm us as doing so not being of...

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Keep your baby cool this summer with The Ollie + The Dailies
Keep your baby cool this summer with The Ollie + The Dailies
Written By:  Elizabeth with Sleep Baby Sleep Consulting Hey Ollie Family! It’s Elizabeth with Sleep Baby Sleep Consulting. I’m an infant and toddler sleep consultant and a longtime fan of The Ollie Swaddle! I tell people all the time how amazing the Ollie is because it is truly the best swaddle I’ve ever used. So, you can imagine how excited I was when The Dailies were released! Not only are they beautiful and soft they are perfect to pair with The Ollie to help your baby sleep well and stay cool.   I live in North Carolina where summer lasts ⅔ of the year and, while I am a huge fan of the sunshine and heat, clients frequently ask me...

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"DAILIES" Welcome To Our Ollie Family!⁠
"DAILIES" Welcome To Our Ollie Family!⁠
Turn Up the Sound & Press Play: DAILIES ARE HERE!⁠⁠ What do you think our #1 question is?We are always asked: “What should my little one wear under their Ollie?”This is the question that lead us down the path to developing "Dailies."We wanted to create something for your little to wear under their Ollie that would help do what the Ollie was designed to do... wick away moisture and assist with temperature regulation. What's next to your little one's skin is important to us. Just like the Ollie swaddle, Dailies are made with the same buttery soft custom moisture-wicking fabric that you have come to know and love about the Ollie!⁠⁠Our goal was not only to create something buttery soft and useful,...

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5 Steps to Include in a Great Bedtime Routine
5 Steps to Include in a Great Bedtime Routine
Written By Jamie Labbe, MS Owner/Founder of Oh Baby Consulting Pediatric Sleep Consultant | @ohbabyconsulting   One of the easiest ways to establish a healthy sleep foundation from Day 1 is to create and maintain a bedtime routine. Infants and young children thrive on routine; in fact, they are comforted by predictability. A young mind is exposed to so much new information every day that it’s reassuring for a child to know that they can depend on certain events to have a predictable structure. Routines also cue your child’s brain and body that sleep time is coming. Your child will start to recognize the order of the routine and begin to anticipate what comes next. With enough repetition, this process...

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