Posts — sleep tips for baby

The Ollie Swaddle and Neurodevelopment
The Ollie Swaddle and Neurodevelopment
Swaddling provides many benefits for your little one. Some of these benefits may seem temporary – like providing comfort and calm – but these can lead to lifelong benefits as your little one is growing and learning.   First, let’s talk about what neurodevelopment is.  Neurodevelopment is the growth of the nervous system – a process that begins at conception and happens all the way through the final stages of life.  Brain development is especially important in the first few years of life because synapses in the brain are being formed that will create the wiring of the brain. While large portion of this development is up to genetics, the brain will fine-tune itself according to experiences and input from the...

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The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means
The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means
  The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means Your little one spends nine months inside of you and then suddenly is introduced to this big, scary world. She listens to your heartbeat and your voice, feeling everything you feel. After arriving earth side, she craves the comfort and warmth of her sweet mommy—you! For this reason, co-sleeping is so very important. First, let’s clearly define what we mean by co-sleeping in this post. We don’t mean sleeping in the same bed, as that is not safe for your baby according to safe sleep guidelines. It may seem tempting to fall asleep with your baby in your arms, but it really isn’t. The risk of suffocation is increased significantly...

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