Posts — mommy blog

6 Ways to Memorialize Your Pregnancy
6 Ways to Memorialize Your Pregnancy
Nine months of pregnancy seems an eternity when you get that little pink positive on the test stick. In this day and age, we no longer have to wait until we start having symptoms of pregnancy, which can start as late as 8 or 10 weeks for some. Instead, we have pregnancy tests that will determine a positive just days after conception. This can make the pregnancy journey seem even longer! While you are growing, suffering morning sickness and anxiously awaiting the new addition to the family, here are a few ways to memorialize your pregnancy; both for yourself and to pass along to the child in the future.

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Seasons of Giving and Receiving
Seasons of Giving and Receiving
Photo: @audreyblake_   Seasons of Giving and Receiving As women, we are natural-born givers. It is engrained in our being to give to and do for others. When we enter the season of motherhood, this is amplified even more as we have a tiny life that depends on us for so long. We pour into them each and every day: caring, loving, teaching, and comforting. We go to bed at night exhausted from giving until our own cup is empty. If there is one thing I have learned so far in this journey of life, it is that there are seasons of giving and receiving. I want to share this because I know that there are so many mothers out...

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Surprise Uses for Breast Milk
Surprise Uses for Breast Milk
Surprise Uses for Breast Milk When you become a mom, you discover a whole new set of ailments and health issues in your family. Most of them will happen to your little one—from ear infections to rashes—and you may be looking for natural remedies. If you’re breastfeeding your little one I have great news! Breast milk is not only packed with great nutrients for your baby, but it also has many uses besides nutrition. There are a lot of “old wives’ tales” out there about different remedies for common health issues, but breast milk is definitely not among them. Breast milk has antibodies that help fight infection as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The healing properties are real and...

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Sleep Safety While Traveling
Sleep Safety While Traveling
Photo: @beetandbaguette Sleep Safety While Traveling November is Child Safety Protection Month. This was created as an awareness campaign to remind parents, grandparents, friends and caregivers of the potential dangers children face in everyday situations. We wanted to join in the movement and share with focus on infant safety while traveling. It can be difficult when you’re on-the-go to maintain the level of safety that you do at home, but there shouldn’t be any exception to the safe sleep guidelines that are recommended to parents. We have some tips that will help if you’re planning to go out of town in the near future.      Plan ahead and ask questions. Whether you’re staying with friends/family or at a hotel, ask questions!...

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The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means
The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means
  The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means Your little one spends nine months inside of you and then suddenly is introduced to this big, scary world. She listens to your heartbeat and your voice, feeling everything you feel. After arriving earth side, she craves the comfort and warmth of her sweet mommy—you! For this reason, co-sleeping is so very important. First, let’s clearly define what we mean by co-sleeping in this post. We don’t mean sleeping in the same bed, as that is not safe for your baby according to safe sleep guidelines. It may seem tempting to fall asleep with your baby in your arms, but it really isn’t. The risk of suffocation is increased significantly...

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