
Kids That Contribute – Chores For Every Age
Kids That Contribute – Chores For Every Age
  Kids That Contribute—Chores For Every Age Household tasks are an essential part of every home. As moms, sometimes we feel like the chores never end—and that’s probably because they don’t! And while our kids often contribute (a lot!) to the endless laundry and random messes, they can also be fantastic little helpers. Don’t underestimate your little one’s ability or desire to help around the house. Kids LOVE to feel like they are contributing. Chores are a great way to teach responsibility and help your little ones have a sense of purpose within your family unit. Know that it’s never too soon to begin giving your little one chores to do—even if it’s just picking up her toys. A Side...

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Brain Development — The Third Year
Brain Development — The Third Year
  Brain Development — The Third Year The first three years of life are a critical time for brain development, but sometimes we as parents can be at a loss as to how to help and challenge our little ones as they grow. By the time your little one is two, she is stringing words together into short phrases, doing things more independently and exploring her world. It’s important to understand that each stage of development builds on previous stages, and it is still important to hold, hug and talk to your little one like you did when she was a baby. We’ve got some tips for adding to your support of her development as you both navigate this third...

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Staying Healthy Is Easier Than You Think
Staying Healthy Is Easier Than You Think
    Staying Healthy Is Easier Than You Think! The summer is winding down and weather is beginning to cool off. School is back in session and ”cold season” is around the corner. You probably have ideas running through your head of how to keep your kiddos healthy through the fall and winter: drinking orange juice, eating healthy, taking vitamins, etc. But there’s a lot more (or maybe less!) to it than you think! We have five tips for staying healthy that may not be what normally first comes to mind. Laughter really is the best medicine. Our days are busy and stressful. Remember to take time to laugh. Tell each other silly jokes, watch funny videos on YouTube or...

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An Introduction to Ollie World Expert, Dr. Elliot Berlin
An Introduction to Ollie World Expert, Dr. Elliot Berlin
  An Introduction to Ollie World Expert, Dr. Elliot Berlin Dr. Elliot Berlin is one of our experts. An award winning prenatal chiropractor, Dr. Berlin is also a childbirth educator and labor support doula.  He is the executive producer of trending birth films “Trial of Labor” and “Heads Up: The Disappearing Art of Vaginal Breech Delivery” and host of the “Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Podcast.” Dr. Berlin attends births with his clients, providing the laboring mother with bodywork and chiropractic adjustments to help keep mom relaxed, comfortable, focused and in ideal mind and body condition for smooth, uncomplicated labor and delivery. He is also known for working with several hundred breech babies each year, most of whom turn into the...

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The Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care
The Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care
Photo: @lifeinspiredstudio   During pregnancy, there are several changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby. Hormones are being released into your body to loosen ligaments as your body shifts and changes to accommodate your growing child. The combination of hormonal and mechanical changes can make your muscles and tendons stiff and pull the joints of your spine and pelvis out of alignment. In addition to causing low back and hip pain, the tighter muscles and less mobile joints affect the space in which your baby is growing.  This restriction can also affect baby’s position leading up to and during delivery which in turn increases the likelihood of medical interventions at birth. Furthermore, the spine...

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