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Recognizing the Signs of Postpartum Depression
Becoming a new mom can be one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. The births of both of my daughters were two...
The 5 Building Blocks at the Foundation of Happy Sleep
The newborn stage of parenthood is all about adapting and surviving. It’s a beautiful but also challenging time of growing and adjustment, as well as...
Healthy Development -- The Importance of Positive Caregiver/Child Interactions
Raising children is a difficult task, and there is unfortunately no rule book to follow when it comes to parenting. Parents and caregivers rely on...
In Defense of An Early Bedtime: Adjusting Your Expectations of Baby's Sleep
“What time does my baby/toddler need to go to bed?” is often one of the first questions I am asked by the parents I...
How to Conquer the Dreaded Four Month Sleep Regression
Whether you're a first time parent or a seasoned veteran, many of us have heard that around 3-5 months old, there is a definite change in your...
The Anatomy of The Ollie Swaddle: Breaking Down Each Component
We're often asked what makes the Ollie different from other swaddles and about the distinguishing features that set it apart. We wanted to break down the anatomy of the Ollie...
Creating a Nursery That is Perfect for Sleep
There is nothing like bringing your baby home from the hospital and into their nursery for the first time. You’ve filled their space with the...
Introducing The Ollie Swaddle Logo As Another Level of Safety
Our mission here at The Ollie World is to see every baby flourish. We developed the Ollie Swaddle to be different from other swaddles for...
5 Fun, Engaging Winter Activities for Baby
Winter can be tough. Cold weather, ice, and snow can often mean more time spent cooped up indoors. Despite the less than ideal weather conditions you...
Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms
“I am taking care of myself today!” Do those words sound familiar? I was admittedly the first time mom who would tell myself this message...
What I Wish I Knew As a First Time Mom
You can read all the books and blogs in the world, but nothing quite prepares you for motherhood until your amazing little one is here. We've...
Our Dream Hospital Bag + An AMAZING Giveaway! *GIVEAWAY CLOSED*
As first time or even veteran moms, one of the biggest questions on our minds is: What should I include in my hospital bag? We don't want...
Cultivating Gratitude Amongst Your Children
The goal of parenting is simple: to raise healthy, happy, and grateful kids who will venture into the world someday and make it a better...
Easy, Comfortable DIY Halloween Costumes for Baby
Halloween is often filled with family, friends, and fun. Whether you're trick or treating with kids or attending a Halloween party, dressing up in costumes is...
Your Guide to Baby Spit Up: What's Normal, What's Not
Baby spit up can be stressful. Many new parents worry whether their baby is getting enough to eat, and spitting up after feedings can leave...
Tips for Transitioning Back to Work After Baby
We are so excited to have sleep experts Brooke and Lindsay from Sleepy on Hudson as our guest bloggers. They will be addressing one of the most important...
Five Tips for Instilling Healthy Eating Habits in Your Baby
Please think back to your own meal time experiences for a moment -- when you were growing up, were you forced to clean your plate? Did your...
The Dreaded 4-Month Sleep Regression
The Dreaded 4-Month Sleep RegressionHi there! My name is Lauren, the founder of Sleep and the City Child Sleep Consulting, and I was so excited...
Helping Your Toddler Bond with Baby
If your family is growing, you’re probably wondering how your family dynamic will change with the addition of a little one. As a mother, you...
The Ollie Swaddle and Neurodevelopment
Swaddling provides many benefits for your little one. Some of these benefits may seem temporary – like providing comfort and calm – but these can...