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From Single Foster Mom to CEO: How a Little Boy Named Oliver Inspired a business
i will never forget that moment and there are no words to even describe what my heart felt when i saw him for the first...
It's Olive!!!
this color has so much meaning for me. i dreamed about it while i was pregnant and because i had experienced so many losses, i...
there's so much good coming soon. but first, i am taking a purposeful break. please let me explain.
there are many aspects that go into this decision…let me start by what this actually means. I AM NOT LEAVING. i am not going anywhere....
did you know it took me FIVE years to start The Ollie World?
did you know it took me FIVE years before i was ready to share the ollie with your little ones?at the time, i was working...
after below the shoulders, this is what came next...
part 2 of 3 after the concept of below the shoulders, this was next ... it literally came to me while shopping in the aisles for...
wanna see what the FIRST ollie looked like?!
part 1 of 3 last we left off, i had just created the swaddle for my foster son, Oliver. i would love to now share...
i've never shared this part of my life before.
i have NEVER shared this part of my story. never. this is such a vulnerable part of my story to share and i never knew...
this is the moment with Oliver that changed my life...
i will never ever ever forget the moment i put it on him. this moment changed my life. i wrapped him in my creation and...
when Oliver, my foster son, 1st showed up at my door
Oliver showed up at my door. i will never forget that moment and there are no words to even describe what my heart felt when i saw...
do you know the story of my foster son Oliver?
i've never shared the full story behind my journey with my foster son, Oliver, and how the first ollie came to be. this...
the why behind the alphie part ll... the safety edition
The Alphie Sleep Pouch is Launching 1/18 at 9am PSTthe WHY behind the Alphie part ll. last time, i talked about cues. now, let's talk...
the WHY behind the alphie part l (connecting sleep cues from the ollie to the alphie)
The Alphie Sleep Pouch is Launching 1/18 at 9am PST i really want to talk about the WHY behind the design. there were two things...
i want to create with purpose, intention, and with your little one's needs first and above all else.
i LOVE the inside of the box. it captures so much of how i feel and my hope for what the alphie brings to your...
The Alphie Sleep Pouch is Launching 1/18!!
it is about every detail (down the packaging) for me. i have spent years designing The Alphie™ (launching 1/18/23!!). i wanted the product to be...
dreams do come true...
dreams do come true... when i first started, every. single. person. told me "no". every store, buyer, boutique, and person told...
It was National Rainbow Baby Day and I just couldn't talk about it...
i did something really selfish yesterday. i know it was #nationalrainbowbabyday and Olive is my rainbow baby to celebrate. but, although it’s a celebration of our...
WE did it!! over 500 hours of pumping and over 10,000 ounces pumped. and i hope you see alllll of the emotion from the...
The Baby Items I Really Use
It can be a bit overwhelming when deciding which products to purchase for your little one. Now that Olive is here, it is clear which...
FAQs with Hindi
Hi, Ollie Family. I wanted to take some time and go through some of our most frequently asked questions with you. 1. When Can I Start...
Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms
“I am taking care of myself today!” Do those words sound familiar? I was admittedly the first time mom who would tell myself this message...