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Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach: Sarah Pashniak's Tips on Safe Sleeping
Ollie Blog Why I love the Ollie Introduction My name is Sarah Pashniak and I am paSHionate about sleep! I am a Certified Pediatric...
Newborn Sleep Tips from a Sleep Expert
Hi there mamas, my name is Chrissy Lawler and I am the owner of The Peaceful Sleeper! I am a Marriage and Family Therapist, sleep...
The early bedtime
The early bedtime. Parents either love them or hate them. It's the much needed quiet time that parents crave at the end of the day,...
Don't Be Sleepless in Seattle (or anywhere!): Keeping Sleep Routines During Travel
As a parent, the word "travel" takes on quite a different meaning than it did before you were toting along little people, and the mountains...
The 5 Building Blocks at the Foundation of Happy Sleep
The newborn stage of parenthood is all about adapting and surviving. It’s a beautiful but also challenging time of growing and adjustment, as well as...
In Defense of An Early Bedtime: Adjusting Your Expectations of Baby's Sleep
“What time does my baby/toddler need to go to bed?” is often one of the first questions I am asked by the parents I...
How to Conquer the Dreaded Four Month Sleep Regression
Whether you're a first time parent or a seasoned veteran, many of us have heard that around 3-5 months old, there is a definite change in your...
Creating a Nursery That is Perfect for Sleep
There is nothing like bringing your baby home from the hospital and into their nursery for the first time. You’ve filled their space with the...
The Dreaded 4-Month Sleep Regression
The Dreaded 4-Month Sleep RegressionHi there! My name is Lauren, the founder of Sleep and the City Child Sleep Consulting, and I was so excited...
The Ollie Swaddle and Neurodevelopment
Swaddling provides many benefits for your little one. Some of these benefits may seem temporary – like providing comfort and calm – but these can...
Tips for a Bedtime Routine
Tips for a Bedtime Routine While no two bedtime routines are exactly the same, it’s fair to say that there are some common...
Sleep Safety While Traveling
Photo: @beetandbaguette Sleep Safety While Traveling November is Child Safety Protection Month. This was created as an awareness campaign to remind parents, grandparents, friends and...
The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means
The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means Your little one spends nine months inside of you and then suddenly is introduced to...
Importance of a Tight Swaddle
Importance of a Tight Swaddle Swaddling is not only a comfort to your little one, but it can also aid in safe sleeping—as long...
The 4-Month Sleep Regression
Photo: @dearadria The 4-Month Sleep Regression A lot of questions that we get at The Ollie World revolve around the 4-month sleep regression. Is...
Swaddling An Older Baby
Photo: @lfetters Swaddling An Older Baby We have quite a few parents ask about swaddling their older babies. You may be wondering how long...
When To Stop Swaddling
One of the top questions we get asked is when is it time to stop swaddling your little one. Since each baby is different, there...
Benefits of Swaddling
Numerous medical studies have proven there are many benefits to swaddling. Recently, it has been in the news that swaddling may contribute to SIDS if...
Safe Sleeping with Ollie Swaddle
It’s part of our mission to see every baby flourish from conception to crawling and as always, our number one priority is the safety of...
Swaddling How-To
As a new mom, you might be looking for ways to provide extra comfort to your little one as he or she adjusts to life...