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Healthy Development -- The Importance of Positive Caregiver/Child Interactions
Raising children is a difficult task, and there is unfortunately no rule book to follow when it comes to parenting. Parents and caregivers rely on...
In Defense of An Early Bedtime: Adjusting Your Expectations of Baby's Sleep
“What time does my baby/toddler need to go to bed?” is often one of the first questions I am asked by the parents I...
How to Conquer the Dreaded Four Month Sleep Regression
Whether you're a first time parent or a seasoned veteran, many of us have heard that around 3-5 months old, there is a definite change in your...
Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms
“I am taking care of myself today!” Do those words sound familiar? I was admittedly the first time mom who would tell myself this message...
What I Wish I Knew As a First Time Mom
You can read all the books and blogs in the world, but nothing quite prepares you for motherhood until your amazing little one is here. We've...
Cultivating Gratitude Amongst Your Children
The goal of parenting is simple: to raise healthy, happy, and grateful kids who will venture into the world someday and make it a better...
Tips for Transitioning Back to Work After Baby
We are so excited to have sleep experts Brooke and Lindsay from Sleepy on Hudson as our guest bloggers. They will be addressing one of the most important...
Five Tips for Instilling Healthy Eating Habits in Your Baby
Please think back to your own meal time experiences for a moment -- when you were growing up, were you forced to clean your plate? Did your...
Baby Yoga for Tummy Pains
A video posted by Jessica Amendola (@jessamendola) on Nov 25, 2016 at 7:42pm PST Baby Yoga for Tummy Pains When you become...
Tips for Keeping Mommy Journal
Photo: @christinaloewen Tips for Keeping a Mommy Journal The moment you become a mother, time starts moving so quickly. Small everyday moments get lost...
Unique Twists to Your Holiday Traditions
Photo: @kellie.pardoe Unique Twists to Your Holiday Tradition And did I mention the food? The food is definitely at the top of my list...
Handling Toddler Temper Tantrums
Handling Toddler Temper Tantrums If you are the parent of a toddler, then you know that tantrums can be a part of everyday life—or at...
Seasons of Giving and Receiving
Photo: @audreyblake_ Seasons of Giving and Receiving As women, we are natural-born givers. It is engrained in our being to give to and do...
Surprise Uses for Breast Milk
Surprise Uses for Breast Milk When you become a mom, you discover a whole new set of ailments and health issues in your family. Most...
Sleep Safety While Traveling
Photo: @beetandbaguette Sleep Safety While Traveling November is Child Safety Protection Month. This was created as an awareness campaign to remind parents, grandparents, friends and...
Cooking With Your Toddler
Photo: @kellie.pardoe Cooking with your Toddler Cooking is not only an important life skill, but it can also be a wonderful family bonding experience!...
Child Safety Protection Month
Photo: @raspberryglow Child Safety Protection Month November is Child Safety Protection Month. This was created as an awareness campaign to remind parents, grandparents, friends...
The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means
The Importance of Co-Sleeping and What it REALLY Means Your little one spends nine months inside of you and then suddenly is introduced to...
The Rule of Ten
The Rule of Ten Life can become so overwhelming sometimes in that we have so much to do and don’t even know where to begin....
Making the Transition to a Toddler Bed
Photo: @littlewoodhaus Making the Transition to a Toddler Bed Wondering when and how to transition your little one into a toddler bed? For each family...