
16 Pieces Of Really Good Parenting Advice That Have Actually Helped Me Become A Better Mom

"At first, this advice may seem silly to say out loud, but it's a great reminder."

Published: March 22, 2024

Source: The Best Parenting Advice For First-Time Moms (


Hi, I'm Hannah, and I have a nine-month-old daughter named Ellie. While I feel like at this point I've been doing this whole parenting thing for a while, I'm still a relatively new mom.

Woman kissing baby on forehead, both in warm attire, outdoors with blurred trees and buildings in background

Image: Hannah Loewenthell

Since telling people that I was pregnant, I've received endless advice on how to raise a child. If you're a parent, I'm sure you can relate! Much of the advice I've gotten has been straight-up annoying or total garbage. But I've also received some words of wisdom that have really spoken to me and helped me become a better mom. So here is some of the best advice I've come across so far in the first almost-year of parenthood.

Toddler walking with adult's support, expressing joy, outdoors in a park setting

Image: Eyewolf / Getty Images


#5. Don't buy a ton of baby gear in advance.

An open wardrobe filled with various children's clothes neatly hanging

Image: Gs Visuals / Getty Images/Image Source

I'm a planner. I like to be prepared and organized. So even though people told me to wait on buying most baby items, I naturally bought a ton of gear and had my daughter's whole nursery organized and ready before we came home from the hospital. Turns out, I should have listened. Sure, it was essential to have a handful of things I'd use right away, but the truth is that I could have waited on most. 

For example, I bought about 20 kinds of swaddle blankets and then realized we were only using one (the Ollie, if you're wondering). I bought all different kinds of bottles until a lactation consultant recommended one specific bottle (the Evenflo Balance + Baby Bottles) for combo feeding. Babies actually do have preferences — strong ones! — so waiting to see what worked best for Ellie before purchasing a ton of bulk items would have been a very good idea!