An Introduction to Ollie World Expert, Dr. Elliot Berlin
An Introduction to Ollie World Expert, Dr. Elliot Berlin
Dr. Elliot Berlin is one of our experts. An award winning prenatal chiropractor, Dr. Berlin is also a childbirth educator and labor support doula. He is the executive producer of trending birth films “Trial of Labor” and “Heads Up: The Disappearing Art of Vaginal Breech Delivery” and host of the “Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Podcast.” Dr. Berlin attends births with his clients, providing the laboring mother with bodywork and chiropractic adjustments to help keep mom relaxed, comfortable, focused and in ideal mind and body condition for smooth, uncomplicated labor and delivery.
He is also known for working with several hundred breech babies each year, most of whom turn into the ideal pre-birth position once normal function is restored to the mother's lower back and pelvis.
When he was in medical school, there was no prenatal or postpartum specialty for chiropractors. In fact, at that time doctors were taught what not to do for pregnant women instead of learning techniques to help them. During the course of his research, he found a connection with certain types of back pain and infertility, which spurred him to dig deeper and learn more about prenatal care for women.
Once in practice, Dr. Berlin had mothers-to-be calling his office and looking for help.
He found that women were striving for an earthly, holistic birth experience but weren’t supported by the medical system and ended up with much more intervention during birth than they expected. Dr. Berlin heard mothers ask over and over again, “Why couldn’t my body do what I wanted it to do?”
He also found that women who had previous cesareans were struggling to find practitioners supporting a vaginal birth after cesarean. He began reading everything he could find and reaching out to other practitioners across the country to find out what he could do for his clients.
One of his greatest successes has been utilizing a chiropractic technique to turn breech babies. He’s even added to the technique himself to make it even more effective. For Dr. Berlin, it’s become a labor of love. He now has three practices and helps women around the world as they strive for a more natural birth experience.
When I met Dr. Berlin and shared The Ollie Swaddle with him we instantly bonded over our shared passion for helping women with the transition into motherhood. Our friendship has grown as he has provided wonderful feedback and ideas for The Ollie World and I am so thankful to have him onboard as one of our Ollie experts!