"Do you ever feel like a MOM-STER??⁠⠀


Written by: Sara Reardon PT, The Vagina Whisperer
Sara is a Board-Certified Pelvic Health Physical Therapist, hosting In-person & Online Pelvic PT & Online Courses & Fitness Programs. Find her on social @the.vagina.whisper

"Seriously? Like you just lose your sh*t on your kids for a small infraction and then feel terrible and guilty but also frustrated and justified??⁠⠀
My kids started back to school just over a week ago. And while I am incredibly grateful we’ve been able to return to in-person learning, they have been REALLY difficult at the end of the day. Cranky, hungry, whiny, disobedient. I feel like I get the scraps of them. Like all of their sweetness is used up during the day and then they get home and it’s just crumbs left.⁠⠀
Today when we got home, I helped one of them take their shoes off. And that was it.🤷🏻‍♀️ Shoes. Off. Helped him. And it was a full fledged screaming tantrum. He doesn’t want help with his shoes. He can take his own shoes off. He’s 3. ⁠⠀
So then I’m fussing at the older one whose teasing the younger one who is screaming and crying as he sits on his potty because he wants his shoes back on.🤯⁠⠀
Then my husband walks out of our back bedroom to go sit outside to finish a Zoom meeting in the 95 degree New Orleans humidity because we are all screaming.⁠⠀
Some days are glorious. And others are just... A LOT.⁠⠀
Soooo... Anyone else just not on top of their mom-game today? If so, I am with you.🙋🏻‍♀️🤛🏼😔⁠⠀
AND It doesn’t help that I’m on my period, and all I want to do is lie down and put a pack of frozen peas on my vagina.😭⁠"⁠⠀