Child Safety Protection Month


Photo: @raspberryglow


Child Safety Protection Month

November is Child Safety Protection Month. This was created as an awareness campaign to remind parents, grandparents, friends and caregivers of the potential dangers children face in everyday situations. We wanted to join in the movement and share with you a focus on infant safety.

As a parent, we try so very hard to keep our children safe, but we often overlook some of the small things that can make a huge difference in our day-to-day lives. Childhood accidents can mean lifelong consequences, and while that is a very somber statement we’d often like to avoid talking about, there are easy ways to take preventative action!

  •      Introducing solid food. There will come a point that your little one is trying new foods each day. Some foods can be difficult for little mouths to chew and can cause choking accidents. Be sure to cut foods up into manageable bites and always be present and alert while your little one is snacking or enjoying lunch.
  •      Car seats belong in the backseat. Don’t put your little one’s car seat in the front of your vehicle. If you’re concerned with being able to see or reach her, install a mirror in the backseat for peace of mind. Car seats should be rear-facing for as long as possible, but at least until your little one is out of her infant seat and into a toddler car seat.
  •      Cover your outlets. Unfortunately, power outlets are at JUST the right height for little ones who are crawling and walking. And for some reason, they are oh-so attracted to putting their tiny fingers into the holes of a wall outlet. Most stores sell plug covers that will keep your little one safe from harm.
  •      Safety gates are a must. Even if you think you are paying close attention, babies and toddlers are fast! Utilizing baby gates to block off areas of your home can be a life-saver. You may not even use them every day, but if something comes up and there is a project in one room of the house, a baby gate is a wonderful way to keep your little one safe from harm.
  •      Don’t forget about bedtime. Remove blankets, toys and bumper pads from your little one’s crib and always place her on her back to sleep. If you use a swaddle, like The Ollie, make sure it is wrapped tightly and secured properly. If your little one has transitioned to a toddler bed, remove toys from the floor in case your little one gets up in the middle of the night.
  •      Remove potential dangers from reach. Dangers include everything from plants to cleaners, chemicals, knives, and tools. Regularly review items you have in reach of your little one and move them to safer places. Chemicals should always be out of reach of babies and children—even if they have safety caps.
  •      Check your furniture. If you have TV stands, dressers, bookshelves or cabinets, check them to be sure they are stable. If they look like they will tip over easily, consider purchasing equipment to anchor the furniture to a wall.

There are many, many more safety tips that you can check out here as a part of Child Safety Protection Month. Our best suggestion is that if something raises a red flag or gives you a bad feeling, it’s probably not safe. Listen to your gut! As always, we are here to be of support to you. Please contact us anytime